Equipping humble servant-leaders who love Jesus.
The focus for this month will be developing a secret place with God.
The most important thing we can ever do in a day is spend quality time with God. I think most of us know this intellectually, but how about practically?
Do we spend quality time with God every day?
Why is it so hard, sometimes?
Why are we so distracted?
How can we rediscover the secret place?
How can we go deeper in our times with the Lord, in worship, meditation, and intercession?
This class will transform your life, because it will lead you to the place of transformation and fruitfulness: The Secret Place.
We have some amazing guest professors coming in, who will impart from a life of devotion to the Secret Place.
The most important thing we can ever do in a day is spend quality time with God. I think most of us know this intellectually, but how about practically?
Do we spend quality time with God every day?
Why is it so hard, sometimes?
Why are we so distracted?
How can we rediscover the secret place?
How can we go deeper in our times with the Lord, in worship, meditation, and intercession?
This class will transform your life, because it will lead you to the place of transformation and fruitfulness: The Secret Place.
We have some amazing guest professors coming in, who will impart from a life of devotion to the Secret Place.

Very flexible.
We will meet for class on Zoom on Monday nights from 7 pm - 8:30 pm. We will also be sending the recordings to those who are in the class.
Bible Based and Spirit-Filled.
You will receive a Biblical foundation while also being activated in the supernatural gifts of the Spirit.
Learn from the Global Body of Christ.
You will learn from some of the most influential leaders in the global body of Christ, who will answer your questions and dialogue with us in an intimate learning environment.
Reflection Papers.
At the end month you will submit a reflection paper that shares what God has been doing in you and through you.