Sundays 10 am +
Wednesdays 7 pm

We are a church that serves beyond the walls
Type your new text here.
High School Campuses
We invite students to have a meal and conduct spiritual interviews, share the gospel, and pray for them.
Tuesdays 1:30 pm - 3 pm
Thursdays 2:30 pm - 4 pm
Tuesdays 1:30 pm - 3 pm
Thursdays 2:30 pm - 4 pm
Food Pantries
We serve food and prayer to a transitional living center in Torrance.
2nd Friday 3 - 4 pm
2nd Friday 3 - 4 pm
Adopt an Apartment
We knock on doors with gifts, host BBQs, and invite people to be picked up for church.
Sundays 2 - 3 pm
Sundays 2 - 3 pm
Street Outreach
We go in groups of 2-3 to share connect with those we are led to.
Thursdays 6 - 8 pm
Thursdays 6 - 8 pm
Sign-up for our E-Weekly
* Every Thursday, we send an email with news, updates, and a note from our Pastor.
JC Kids
Our children are precious creations of God and deserve our best attention, love, and teaching.
prayer room
6 am - 8 am
10 am - 11:30 am
7 pm - 9 pm
6 am - 8 am
10 am - 11:30 am
We provide youth with an environment where they can experience God’s love in a real and powerful way.
Fridays 7 pm
We have an amazing group of kids and look forward to partnering with you in bringing hearts back to God.